Seven (7) years ago, he started a very daring journey into the network marketing space, determined to become the very best with hard work and resilience. Being a very determined and result-oriented person, he did not give up in his quest, became a top earner in two previous companies, and built huge teams in other MLM businesses. Recorded achievements in every dimension, from building teams of over 40,000+ to numerous international trips across the globe( 25+), owning a fleet of cars, and setting up multiple businesses. In seven years, we can say he has reached dimensions worth celebrating, making him an expert in the sector, and today, you are here to launch another life-changing opportunity for darers just like him. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the CEO and Founder of Ultimate Holdings, Mr. Nju Dima Ako.
- info@dima97@gmail.com
- +237674710505